Ledi Bianku is a widely experienced international human rights judge and academic. From 2008 to 2019, Ledi was a Judge at the European Court of Human Rights as the nominee of Albania. He currently holds the office of international judge of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

For much of his career, Ledi has worked to secure a balance between the interests of states, the needs of businesses and the rights of individuals. He has held several academic appointments, including, since 2018, as an associate Professor at the University of Strasbourg.

From 2006 to 2007, Ledi served as a member of the European Commission for democracy through law (Venice Commission). He further worked as a legal advisor for various national and international bodies and is currently a member of the Ethics Committee of the Prince Albert II Foundation. He served for five years on the Nominations Committee of Thomson Reuters and has taken a particular interest in subjects such as banking and human rights.

Ledi graduated from Tirana University and the College of Europe in Bruges.